2010 The Space28 - The forest of strayer;Gijang ,Busan,Koea ,
2010 Forest of Strayer_Gijang - The Space 27, Busan, Korea, 오픈스페이스배 부산 한국
20090801 The Space17_ Incheon International Woman Artist Biennale,Incheon art Platform, Korea ,인천아트플랫폼
2009 The Space25 - The roommate in Openspace Bae, Busan, Korea
2009 The Space23 - The Seats ; Bandee , Busan,Korea, 2009
2009 The Space22 - Jeju, Jeju island , Korea,
2009 The Space21 - The Threads ,ISCP Gallery ,NY,USA,
2009 The Seats_The Space23-Bandee Busan
20080710 Touch the sea, Bukchon Museum, Seoul, Korea 2008 북촌미술관
2008 The Space20 - Roommate ; Nanji studio ,Korea, 그림손갤러리 설치
2008 The Space19 -The Mountain of Father ,Korea, 2008 그림손 갤러리 설치
2008 The Space18 -1,000 of needle , Korea,
2008 The Space17 - Nanji,Korea,그림손갤러리
2008 The Space16 - The word that they wanted to tell but could not , 그림손갤러리, Korea,
2008 The Space14 -The Dreaming ship,Sempio Space ,Korea,
20070628 Collaboration Project_Time Keeper ,
2007 The Space12 - Gihon river, VT, US
2006 Unseatable Chair -The Space8, Vermont studio , VT, USA,
2006 The Space9
2006 The Space7- Gihon River
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